Conundrum Series - Optional Gold Investment


Optional 24K Gold Bullion Central Cube - No longer available.................

This precise 1" cube of solid, pure (99.9%) GOLD bullion (10 troy ounces) can be hidden inside the Conundrum sculpture (click link below) and used in place of the existing central cube piece. It adds the facet of precious metal investment to this unique interactive art. This piece is the only sculpture piece that is actually cast and must be precisely hammered to fit inside the sculpture.

This beautiful cube creates a totally unique and substantial investment in pure gold. Use it as part of the Conundrum sculpture or store it inside my Labyrinth (Safe); when the price of gold skyrockets, sell it and keep the remaining sculpture for a lot less than the list price.

The Conundrum Sculptures hold one 10 troy ounce cube.

The Pyramid I Sculpture holds one 10 troy ounce cube in the lockable central vault option.

The Labyrinth holds eight 10 troy ounce cubes

on the internal platform with handle. The gold price is determined when the gold is purchased, it must be cast in my special mold (a $75 (+) casting charge applies) into an ingot. Gold pricing information can be obtained from David H. Fell Company @ or call them at 1-800-822-1996.

It costs about 10% more to forge the 10 ounce gold ingot from David H. Fell Company into a precise cube with rounded edges suitable for use in one of GarE Maxton's sculptures.

E-Mail or call GarE Maxton (734-662-4273) for information about ordering this gold cube with a Maxton sculpture.